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Why Are Unemployment Claims So Low?

NBC, CBS, CNN and other large corporate media outlets are making the rounds this week with some supposed good news. In between posting articles about how America needs to get into war for humanitarian reasons, they're singing the praises ...

6 Productive Things You Can Do During Unemployment

Searching for a job can be challenging, which is why you may spend a long time in employment. Countries globally have been going through challenging economic periods, increasing unemployment by the day. While the period c...

Labor Department Reports $87 Billion Taken from Unemployment

For every dollar that the federal government hands out in benefits to Americans, it is reported that at least another dollar is unaccounted for. In fact, a lot of experts in the field claim that it's more like a 3...

Do You Know You Can Get Financial Assistance After Losing Your Job? Here's how it Works

Many people face challenges after losing their job, especially if they don't have enough savings to sustain themselves until they get another employment. However, that does not have to be...

What are the Real Unemployment Numbers?

According to the American federal government, and nearly every single corporate-owned mass media network, America's unemployment rate is standing at a very impressive 4%, with only 6.5 million people unemployed. What's even better, ac...

Practical Ways To Survive Being Unemployed

Being unemployed is a difficult situation to be in, especially in this economic situation. It can be tough to remain positive and motivated when you're out of work if it's been a while since you've had a job. But it&#...

A Foreign War's Impact on American Unemployment

According to Forbes, Investopedia, and other outlets, the beginning of March has witnessed a huge 5.1% boost in jobless claims. This means that these are people who have freshly lost their jobs, as people re-filing would not...

How to Get Financial Assistance While Unemployed in the Age of Covid-19

The Covid-19 epidemic has been unparalleled, and millions of people have lost their employment as a result. Many individuals and families are currently experiencing significant financial stress, which...

How to Save Money When You Don't Have Much

Many of us have a lot of month left at the end of our money. If your regular gig and your side hustle aren't enough to cover your bills, learning to reduce your expenses and save money is critical to your success.   Le...