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6 Productive Things You Can Do During Unemployment

Searching for a job can be challenging, which is why you may spend a long time in employment. Countries globally have been going through challenging economic periods, increasing unemployment by the day. While the period c...

Low Unemployment Rates and Job Growth, But Concerns Remain

According to the U.S. Labor Department, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent in September 2022. This low rate reflects the strength of the labor market and rising hiring levels. In numbers, unemployed people ...

Unemployment Fraud Still Rising Massively

If someone told you that there was over $32 billion dollars in unemployment fraud already in 2022, you would likely believe it. For most of you reading this, you probably guessed that the number was much higher. Well, the year isn't...

Unemployment Rates Dip, But By Technicality

If you've been paying attention to the news media's covering of the Joe Biden presidency, then you may have noticed that this administration receives some very glowing reviews despite the fact that America is dealing with ...

The Federal Reserve Plans to Intentionally Cause Unemployment

For those of you out there who don't know what the Federal Reserve is, it's mostly just referred to as "the Fed" by its critics, and it's an authoritative body that essentially controls America's currency. Techni...

The Complete Guide to Unemployment Benefits

Individuals are considered unemployed when they have attained the working age, are vibrant participants within the workforce, have the operational capability, and are actively looking for a job but can’t secure one. Unemployment ...

How to Survive and Thrive During Unemployment

The unemployment period can be the most challenging phase you may have to go through. That is because you have expenses to cater to, a life to live, and you are unaware of when to get the next job. It would be best if you found t...

9 Things You Should Do During the Unemployment Period

People around the world have been facing tough economic times. That, plus the effects of the Covid pandemic, has challenged people trying to find work. More have been affected by stretches of unemployment recently, reg...

8 Inspirational Things You Can Do During Unemployment

If you are unemployed, searching for a job can be challenging because you must spend time and effort looking for a position that fits your qualifications. Even though you need to concentrate on searching for a job duri...