The Truth About Unemployment Comes Out After Midterms

Monica Jackson
Published Aug 9, 2024

If you were to look into every administration's claims about unemployment figures, you're likely going to find that every sitting President has lied about the numbers in order to make his presidency appear more successful than it actually was. For instance, former President Donald Trump proudly proclaimed on numerous occasions that his policies were responsible for the "lowest black unemployment figures in history," meaning more black Americans were employed than every before. However, poverty in the black community still grew overall during his entire presidency, and not just during his last COVID year. Current President Joe Biden has been bragging about suspiciously low unemployment numbers since taking office in early 2021, and for the most part the mainstream media ran interference for his claims. Now that the midterms are over, however, more media sources are starting to come out and tell the truth about American unemployment.

The facts about American unemployment came out in a big way when a young female White House reporter grilled Joe Biden on his numbers, and he had no response except to mumble "Donald Trump" a few times and claim Putin was a war criminal. The latter may certainly be true, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Biden's administration, with the help of corporate media, lied for nearly two years about the state of America's employment numbers. The young lady pointed out just how wrong all of Biden's information was. The President boasted about creating new jobs, but the Better Business Bureau (BBB) claimed that over 90% of these jobs were returning businesses from COVID shut-downs, and that fewer than 200,000 new jobs had been created under the Biden administration.

This public revelation set off a chain reaction of sorts. Of course, most corporate media shows and stories still ignore this, but there are a lot more moving in on these lies now, especially since the midterms are over and the Democrats did a whole lot better than polling data suggested. Now they can afford to be truthful, as no one really wants Biden to have two terms anyway. So, the first news to break was that Biden's job creation was just a pack of lies. The second big piece of news to break was that America's unemployment rate is really up over 12%, give or take, and nowhere near the 3.7% the administration and most mainstream sources claim.

The real numbers were figured out mathematically based on a mainstream media report that suggested America needed way more immigration (illegal, to boot) due to the labor shortage. First and foremost, they admitted the labor shortage was real, after denying it for over a year. In total, there are nearly 12 million jobs that are left unfilled. So, the report suggested that there weren't enough Americans to do the jobs, so America needed immigrants to flood across the border.

Here's where it gets interesting: After mathematically modeling America's economy, with the number of total jobs available vs. the total number of adults, America actually had around 40 million more actual citizens than job openings. In a nutshell, this means necessarily that the unemployment rate had to be much higher, with perhaps upwards of 30 million Americans who are unemployed.

It's a Natural Narrative to Push

You have to understand, of course, that the government is a business. Do you think Coca-Cola is going to tell you that their product is cheap, artificial and full of corn syrup? Of course not; they're going to tell you that it's delicious and that it's what polar bears and Santa drinks. It's the same thing with the government, no matter who's in charge of it. They're never going to tell you that they're doing a poor job and cannot seem to bring any new jobs to the country. Instead, they're going to tell you that their policies are great, America's economy is stronger than ever, and what the country actually needs are millions of new people to flood into a nation of 330 million to fill the jobs.

They won't tell you that most unemployed people, according to polling data and surveys, are abstaining from physical labor because it doesn't pay enough to help them with massive inflation. Nor will they tell you that workplace conditions are horrid in America today and that's because most large corporations don't have unions.

Basically, everything you've been told about unemployment for the past few years has been a massive lie in order to make the government look competent.

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