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10 Techniques for Staying Positive During Unemployment

Unemployment leaves people demotivated, depressed, and hopeless. The financial burden of unemployment can be a significant source of stress. However, it is critical to remember that staying positive during unemploymen...

America's Financial Sector Rooting for Unemployment Spike

If you found out that there were actual giant, multi-billion-dollar forces manipulating the jobs market, how would you react? For most Americans, the answer to that is a slight shoulder shrug. This is known becau...

How to Stay Positive During an Unemployment Crisis

The current unemployment crisis has had a significant impact on individuals and communities around the world. It can be difficult and stressful for those who have lost their jobs or are facing financial insecurity. Howeve...

Practical Ways To Survive Being Unemployed

Being unemployed is a difficult situation to be in, especially in this economic situation. It can be tough to remain positive and motivated when you're out of work if it's been a while since you've had a job. But it&#...

Ohio Fights To Get Fraud Out of Unemployment Claims

Ohio Fights To Get Fraud Out of Unemployment Claims As of earlier this week, Dec 14 to be exact, Ohio lawmakers worked to pass a bill that is aimed at ridding its statewide unemployment system of fraud. Unemployment, li...

Billionaires Warn on Crippling Recession and Unemployment

Most people in America know by now that the federal government has been lying about America's unemployment numbers. You will not see it talked about a lot on the mainstream corporate media shows, or circulati...

Coping With the Stress of Unemployment

It can be hard to keep your head up and stay motivated when coping with the stress of unemployment. The best advice is to understand unemployment to develop a survival strategy. Remember, other people face the same situation, and it&...

The Truth About Unemployment Comes Out After Midterms

If you were to look into every administration's claims about unemployment figures, you're likely going to find that every sitting President has lied about the numbers in order to make his presidency appear mo...

Unemployment: Managing Your Career Expectations During a Job Search

Job-hunting could be discouraging. You might send dozens of applications and not hear back from any of them. On the other hand, you might go on a few interviews but fail. Getting caught up in a cycle of s...