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Labor Market Recovery Suspiciously Gaining Steam Amid War

For the everyday American paying attention to what's happening in the nation, the subject of unemployment is not mysterious to them in any way. Things are bad out there. Every single location you stop in at to patr...

Ohio Fights To Get Fraud Out of Unemployment Claims

Ohio Fights To Get Fraud Out of Unemployment Claims As of earlier this week, Dec 14 to be exact, Ohio lawmakers worked to pass a bill that is aimed at ridding its statewide unemployment system of fraud. Unemployment, li...

Unemployment Benefits and Programs to Help After Losing Your Job

Unemployment can be a stressful and uncertain time for anyone who is suddenly out of work. Losing a job can quickly turn life upside down, whether due to a company layoff, personal illness, or family obligatio...

No New News on Increased Unemployment Insurance

The mainstream media in America is very quick to show you people protesting if it's in the interests of the Democrats winning and Republicans losing. There isn't even a debate about how left-leaning corporate media is today; e...

The Basics of Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Compensation

Experiencing unemployment can be one of the most challenging life occurrences. As many Americans have little savings in the bank, paying for everyday expenses without an income can prove nearly impossible. How...

Why A Coordinated Media Unemployment Blitz?

You might be a little fed up with news surrounding the topic of unemployment, and no one could blame you. Every other day, there is a coordinated media blitz that puts out happy news about America's jobs market. Despite the fa...

The Ultimate List of Programs That Can Help You During Unemployment

The current economic climate is challenging, and unemployment can be stressful. Finding the best programs and resources to help you during this period is essential. However, you should research each program...

The Best Strategies for Overcoming Unemployment Overseas

Unemployment is a global issue that has left many people in developing countries feeling helpless and without hope. While governments are doing their best to address the issue, it can take time to effectively tac...

9 Things You Can Do to Remain Motivated During Unemployment

The unemployment period can be challenging since you must dedicate time and effort to searching for another job matching your skills and needs. Even though you should concentrate more on searching for a job durin...