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Everything You Need to Know about the Unemployment Compensation Program

Did you lose your job recently and struggle to make ends meet? You may be eligible for unemployment compensation. It's advisable to start by contacting your state's unemployment office as soon as you bec...

The Basics of Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Compensation

Experiencing unemployment can be one of the most challenging life occurrences. As many Americans have little savings in the bank, paying for everyday expenses without an income can prove nearly impossible. How...

Surviving Unemployment: Preparing for Your Next Career Move

Searching for a new job can be a daunting task. And even though we are amid the Great Resignation, with numerous open positions and many employers willing to provide significant benefits, it can still be challenging...

No New News on Increased Unemployment Insurance

The mainstream media in America is very quick to show you people protesting if it's in the interests of the Democrats winning and Republicans losing. There isn't even a debate about how left-leaning corporate media is today; e...

Record Unemployment with Record Labor Shortage

This is an actual news headline that was posted by MSN this morning: "March unemployment rate hits record low amid [ongoing] labor shortage issues." Yes, you read that right. The news media is now quite literally admitting that...

Many States Begin to Pare Down Unemployment Benefits Once Again

As unemployment counts begin to skyrocket back down to what they were before COVID-19 struck, many states have begun to cut down on their unemployment benefits. There are two main ways they are doing this. On...

Why A Coordinated Media Unemployment Blitz?

You might be a little fed up with news surrounding the topic of unemployment, and no one could blame you. Every other day, there is a coordinated media blitz that puts out happy news about America's jobs market. Despite the fa...

Is the War Affecting American Unemployment?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which has turned into a legitimate war in parts of Europe, has had massive global implications. The war is so powerful, in fact, that it is said by America's elite class to be the reason for the ...

A Foreign War's Impact on American Unemployment

According to Forbes, Investopedia, and other outlets, the beginning of March has witnessed a huge 5.1% boost in jobless claims. This means that these are people who have freshly lost their jobs, as people re-filing would not...